
Sunday, February 24, 2008


Optimism is an outlook on life such that one maintains a view of the world as a positive place. It is the opposite of pessimism. Optimists generally believe that people and events are inherently good, so that most situations work out in the end for the best. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimism

** Article: The Strength of Optimism: Believe you are a powerful force in yourfuture, and act accordingly - By Sharon S. Esonis, Ph.D. **

which I think this is an interesting topic because I do agree that being more optimistic by thinking my positively about yourself is the best strategy that you could plan for yourself.

By believing you have a future and being responsible to take a step up and making sure you believe in yourself that there are opportunties out there for you to change things if you aren't happy where you are, cause in the end THE CHOICE IS YOURS

By thinking positively, its is better for you health - physically and mentally and it helps showns more growth in a person, gives a longer life, to perform better in our daily lives and creating success in our goals and dreams.

In the article in goes into further detail of 3 major components:

1. The belief in your own power to make your life and your future better

2. The belief that negative events in your life are not permanent, personal, or pervasive

3. The belief that positive events in your life are permanent, personal, and pervasive.

- Permanent refers to the lasting effects of an event. If you make a mistake, fail at some task, or encounter an obstacle, do you tell yourself that this is not going to go away or change, that this problem is permanent? Or do you, as the optimist, tell yourself that this is a temporary state of affairs? If something positive happens,do you tell yourself it's temporary, or as the optimist, you tell yourself that itwill have a permanent and positive effect on your future?

-Personal refers to your interpretation of who is responsible for the event and whyit happened. If you're besieged by a negative event, do you believe you're a victimor that you brought this terrible thing upon yourself? Or, as the optimist, do you believe bad things happen to everyone, that your response to them is what will make the difference in the future? If something positive happens, do you tell yourselfthat this is a fluke, or as the optimist, do you tell yourself that you had a lot todo with this welcome occurrence?

-Pervasive pertains to your belief about how other parts of your life will be affected by the event. In the case of a negative event, do you believe this willhave a counterproductive influence on other aspects of your life, or as theoptimist, believe that the effect is relative only to the context in which itoccurred? If a positive event occurs, are you convinced that the results will onlybe beneficial to this specific part, or as the optimist, do you think that thesunshine will spread throughout your life?

Being positive daily not to the extreme where it becomes fake, everyone has the ups and downs, otherwise we wouldn't be human. Being sad, angry, stressed out or however you feel in that point of time, you have to learn how to control and let things out and JUST let it happen, cause there is no point in holding things in. We all just have to learn not to let the negative things get a hold of us.

OPTIMISM - have a can-do attitude in your choices, plans, beliefs, and take charge in YOUR LIFE, dont't live for others on their expectations, the hardest part is to please YOURSELF.

So in all, think of the things you have achieved

think of things you have done for others to put a smile on their faces

think of the good times and the bad...

learn from your mistakes and move on....