
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hi all,

Just read an important article by Josh Hinds, I have attached it to here so you can have a quick read of it.

I think this is most important about yourself is TO BE YOURSELF, you can't change your personality/character about you, because you have experienced so many things in your life, your family, friends, co-workers, people you have met, the environment you have lived in - They all play a part in influencing the character you are TODAY.

No matter who tells you to change or be a better person, you have to understand that, you can't please everyone and there are people out there, who love you for who you are, and there are people out there who just think you are the most annoying person.... HAHA ^_^

Learn to love yourself, focus on your strengths and learn to improve on your weakest traits.


Balancing your Strengths and Areas of Improvement
By Josh Hinds

Today, make the choice to focus on your strengths. It is easy to look at oneself and see areas where you may need improvement. While it's true that taking time for honest reflection on the areas where we'd like to see improvementis important.

It's equally important to give yourself yourdue credit for all the wonderful talents you've already acquired all the bits and pieces that go into making youthe incredible person you are.Please understand that I'm not suggesting we live in "la la land", acting as though there's no area for improvement.

Of course there are areas we can all improve in that's what personal growth is all about. Instead, what I am suggesting is that you and I spend atleast as much time accepting and being thankful for all the positive traits we have acquired already not just those areas we believe we need to improve. It's all about balance. Seek ongoing to improve where you can, but be sure to celebrate all that makes up the amazing you as well! Think about it like this if you want to help someone improve, and in the process not have them take it as a personal attack

One way to approach the task would be tocompliment them on something they are doing particularly well, acknowledging and pointing out one of theirstrengths (making sure it's a genuine and sincere complimentof course) and then bringing up ideas which might behelpful in improving in a given area. Along the same lines,give yourself the same positive boost by acknowledging the"good" things you're doing, right along side areas thatyou've identified where improvement is needed.

Consider the saying, "we become what we think about most" --if that's even half true, wouldn't it stand to reason thatgiving a little thought to your past achievements, inaddition to any areas in which you'd like to improve wouldbe a good thing to do? I think so. Give it a go and see foryourself the positive difference doing so will make.

It's your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds :-)

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Optimism is an outlook on life such that one maintains a view of the world as a positive place. It is the opposite of pessimism. Optimists generally believe that people and events are inherently good, so that most situations work out in the end for the best. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimism

** Article: The Strength of Optimism: Believe you are a powerful force in yourfuture, and act accordingly - By Sharon S. Esonis, Ph.D. **

which I think this is an interesting topic because I do agree that being more optimistic by thinking my positively about yourself is the best strategy that you could plan for yourself.

By believing you have a future and being responsible to take a step up and making sure you believe in yourself that there are opportunties out there for you to change things if you aren't happy where you are, cause in the end THE CHOICE IS YOURS

By thinking positively, its is better for you health - physically and mentally and it helps showns more growth in a person, gives a longer life, to perform better in our daily lives and creating success in our goals and dreams.

In the article in goes into further detail of 3 major components:

1. The belief in your own power to make your life and your future better

2. The belief that negative events in your life are not permanent, personal, or pervasive

3. The belief that positive events in your life are permanent, personal, and pervasive.

- Permanent refers to the lasting effects of an event. If you make a mistake, fail at some task, or encounter an obstacle, do you tell yourself that this is not going to go away or change, that this problem is permanent? Or do you, as the optimist, tell yourself that this is a temporary state of affairs? If something positive happens,do you tell yourself it's temporary, or as the optimist, you tell yourself that itwill have a permanent and positive effect on your future?

-Personal refers to your interpretation of who is responsible for the event and whyit happened. If you're besieged by a negative event, do you believe you're a victimor that you brought this terrible thing upon yourself? Or, as the optimist, do you believe bad things happen to everyone, that your response to them is what will make the difference in the future? If something positive happens, do you tell yourselfthat this is a fluke, or as the optimist, do you tell yourself that you had a lot todo with this welcome occurrence?

-Pervasive pertains to your belief about how other parts of your life will be affected by the event. In the case of a negative event, do you believe this willhave a counterproductive influence on other aspects of your life, or as theoptimist, believe that the effect is relative only to the context in which itoccurred? If a positive event occurs, are you convinced that the results will onlybe beneficial to this specific part, or as the optimist, do you think that thesunshine will spread throughout your life?

Being positive daily not to the extreme where it becomes fake, everyone has the ups and downs, otherwise we wouldn't be human. Being sad, angry, stressed out or however you feel in that point of time, you have to learn how to control and let things out and JUST let it happen, cause there is no point in holding things in. We all just have to learn not to let the negative things get a hold of us.

OPTIMISM - have a can-do attitude in your choices, plans, beliefs, and take charge in YOUR LIFE, dont't live for others on their expectations, the hardest part is to please YOURSELF.

So in all, think of the things you have achieved

think of things you have done for others to put a smile on their faces

think of the good times and the bad...

learn from your mistakes and move on....


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Next topic I think is once you have stop procrastinating and have goals you want to achieve in life and the word for it is .....DETERMINATION.

Determination is important as striving for a goal in you life is the hardest part, cause trying to achieve something by working towards your goal is HARD.

By being persistant, working long hours, researching, thinking of ideas, discussing with co-workers, writing things down and HOW you are going to do it. By working towards something, you face challenges everyday from dealing with a difficult client, how to renew a friendship, maintaining a relationship, securing a deal for a house or trying to work out what you want to do the next day.

People going through depression, the hardest part for them is to wake up and get yourself out of BED... Just yesterday, a famour HK celebrity passed away Lydia Shum


She had it all, fame, fortune, wealth and family but as I read deeper into the article, she faced so many health problems from cholangitis, diabetes, and hypertension as well as liver cancer & cancer around the gallbladder.

I have seen her on so many TV shows, hosting this and that and she looked SO HAPPY, even though she had so many issues her life, she dealth with it and kept trying to move beyond it and LIVE a life she wanted, being surrounded by people she loved and continued work on her career to the best of her ability.

So all in all, DETERMINATION a hard thing to maintain because people get lazy, lacks the motivation and JUST gives up. Just think of riding a bike, if you fall off or get tired of peddling, just stop and take a short break but REMEMBER to get back on it again to continue to ride again cause IT's REALLY UP to YOU to do it. Your the one that started it so FINISH what you wanted to achieve in the first place.

PLANNING, no matter how much you write up a plan and execute it, THINGS change. The people around you, the environment you are in, different market of clients to target, the economy changes, new policies or laws take place...so LEARN to ADAPT!!! When swimming in the ocean, you are face with nature, YOU EITHER SINK or SWIM. Instead of swimming against the currents, SWIM with the current.

ADAPT and learn from your mistakes, then change your plans on the HOW TO, WHEN and WHY NOTS to continue to being determine to ACHIEVE.

In the end, as you adapt and change, you become stronger, your character changes, your personality will change and maybe your image as well. For example, a CEO running a company has a strong character, takes charges, has MORE dermination as he has to achive a goal - to make his company as successful as possible.

There is never one answer to anything to get to somewhere, ask yourself this. When you ask 10 people to on directions to get to town, you will probably have different answers from catching a train, bus, walking, driving, what streets to take, busiest route, the shortest route etc. However a smart person will ask, WHERE ARE U AT? WHAT MODE OF TRANSPORT DO YOU TAKE? HOW MUCH TIME U HAVE? HOW MUCH MONEY ARE U WILLING TO SPEND?

DETERMINATION..so hang in there, the longer you are at it, the chances are at your favour. So no matter how hard it is, the greatest part is the JOURNEY to get there...

SO ENJOY the ride, set the sails and follow your heart, your dreams...GOOD LUCK to u ALL!!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hello all!!!

I guess this is where I start, might as well try this BLOG business since I'm already on facebook.com as well.

Now I'm trying to work out what sort of blog I want to do, I have a couple of my friends who have started blogs, its interesting to see what sort of things they write and what they are into, one into martial arts and another into cantonese lessons...

I guess in my generation (age between 25-35), we have all studied hard and now found a stable job and have a set routine in life. Now its time to find new goals in life, I think alot of people procrastinate and have no set goals in life and are unsure on what they want to do.

It's best to keep motivated and be happy, even if it's the little things that count from making someone smile, to helping a lady across the street, donating a little money to charity whereas the BIGWIGS they want to run a successful company so they can live alife of luxuary....

People complain there is never enough in their lives or they don't know what they want to do, I always tell my clients or my friends to write down things they want to accomplish in their lives and HOW they are gonna do it.

We are BORN to LIVE, to EAT, To Pass On Your Genes, and DIE, that's the circle of life really. So all in all, ITS U that makes your LIFE worth living.

Even if you don't have a big goal such as BUYING A HOUSE, its the little things that count to

*Catching up with friends
*Planning the next date
*Go see plays, theatre, movies...
*Do something you have never done before such as skating, rowing, meet new people...
*Start a new hobby

and once you start accomplishing things, then you can work on the BIG THINGS
*Buy a house
*Save up money to go to EUROPE
*Start a business

Nothing is impossible, just put your mind to it and just DO IT