
Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Next topic I think is once you have stop procrastinating and have goals you want to achieve in life and the word for it is .....DETERMINATION.

Determination is important as striving for a goal in you life is the hardest part, cause trying to achieve something by working towards your goal is HARD.

By being persistant, working long hours, researching, thinking of ideas, discussing with co-workers, writing things down and HOW you are going to do it. By working towards something, you face challenges everyday from dealing with a difficult client, how to renew a friendship, maintaining a relationship, securing a deal for a house or trying to work out what you want to do the next day.

People going through depression, the hardest part for them is to wake up and get yourself out of BED... Just yesterday, a famour HK celebrity passed away Lydia Shum


She had it all, fame, fortune, wealth and family but as I read deeper into the article, she faced so many health problems from cholangitis, diabetes, and hypertension as well as liver cancer & cancer around the gallbladder.

I have seen her on so many TV shows, hosting this and that and she looked SO HAPPY, even though she had so many issues her life, she dealth with it and kept trying to move beyond it and LIVE a life she wanted, being surrounded by people she loved and continued work on her career to the best of her ability.

So all in all, DETERMINATION a hard thing to maintain because people get lazy, lacks the motivation and JUST gives up. Just think of riding a bike, if you fall off or get tired of peddling, just stop and take a short break but REMEMBER to get back on it again to continue to ride again cause IT's REALLY UP to YOU to do it. Your the one that started it so FINISH what you wanted to achieve in the first place.

PLANNING, no matter how much you write up a plan and execute it, THINGS change. The people around you, the environment you are in, different market of clients to target, the economy changes, new policies or laws take place...so LEARN to ADAPT!!! When swimming in the ocean, you are face with nature, YOU EITHER SINK or SWIM. Instead of swimming against the currents, SWIM with the current.

ADAPT and learn from your mistakes, then change your plans on the HOW TO, WHEN and WHY NOTS to continue to being determine to ACHIEVE.

In the end, as you adapt and change, you become stronger, your character changes, your personality will change and maybe your image as well. For example, a CEO running a company has a strong character, takes charges, has MORE dermination as he has to achive a goal - to make his company as successful as possible.

There is never one answer to anything to get to somewhere, ask yourself this. When you ask 10 people to on directions to get to town, you will probably have different answers from catching a train, bus, walking, driving, what streets to take, busiest route, the shortest route etc. However a smart person will ask, WHERE ARE U AT? WHAT MODE OF TRANSPORT DO YOU TAKE? HOW MUCH TIME U HAVE? HOW MUCH MONEY ARE U WILLING TO SPEND?

DETERMINATION..so hang in there, the longer you are at it, the chances are at your favour. So no matter how hard it is, the greatest part is the JOURNEY to get there...

SO ENJOY the ride, set the sails and follow your heart, your dreams...GOOD LUCK to u ALL!!!



Tuey said...

Good post. Will visit this site as often as possible.

Keep up the good work

Tuey Speed of Implementation

Tuey said...


You can track how many visitors you have and where do they come from visiting this site:


u need to copy and paste the code into the html.
in your blog go to customise, then click on the layout tab and then click on edit html.

Paste the code where google says to put it.

Any questions then email me.
