Hi all,
Just read an important article by Josh Hinds, I have attached it to here so you can have a quick read of it.
I think this is most important about yourself is TO BE YOURSELF, you can't change your personality/character about you, because you have experienced so many things in your life, your family, friends, co-workers, people you have met, the environment you have lived in - They all play a part in influencing the character you are TODAY.
No matter who tells you to change or be a better person, you have to understand that, you can't please everyone and there are people out there, who love you for who you are, and there are people out there who just think you are the most annoying person.... HAHA ^_^
Learn to love yourself, focus on your strengths and learn to improve on your weakest traits.
Balancing your Strengths and Areas of Improvement
By Josh Hinds
Today, make the choice to focus on your strengths. It is easy to look at oneself and see areas where you may need improvement. While it's true that taking time for honest reflection on the areas where we'd like to see improvementis important.
It's equally important to give yourself yourdue credit for all the wonderful talents you've already acquired all the bits and pieces that go into making youthe incredible person you are.Please understand that I'm not suggesting we live in "la la land", acting as though there's no area for improvement.
Of course there are areas we can all improve in that's what personal growth is all about. Instead, what I am suggesting is that you and I spend atleast as much time accepting and being thankful for all the positive traits we have acquired already not just those areas we believe we need to improve. It's all about balance. Seek ongoing to improve where you can, but be sure to celebrate all that makes up the amazing you as well! Think about it like this if you want to help someone improve, and in the process not have them take it as a personal attack
One way to approach the task would be tocompliment them on something they are doing particularly well, acknowledging and pointing out one of theirstrengths (making sure it's a genuine and sincere complimentof course) and then bringing up ideas which might behelpful in improving in a given area. Along the same lines,give yourself the same positive boost by acknowledging the"good" things you're doing, right along side areas thatyou've identified where improvement is needed.
Consider the saying, "we become what we think about most" --if that's even half true, wouldn't it stand to reason thatgiving a little thought to your past achievements, inaddition to any areas in which you'd like to improve wouldbe a good thing to do? I think so. Give it a go and see foryourself the positive difference doing so will make.
It's your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds :-)